
Maria and the wrongs of woman
Maria and the wrongs of woman

maria and the wrongs of woman maria and the wrongs of woman maria and the wrongs of woman

He was also the ex-boyfriend/good friend of the late Laurel Lance, Sara Lance, and Shado. He was the son of the late Robert Queen and Moira Queen, the older paternal half-brother of Emiko Adachi, the older maternal half-brother of Thea Queen, the husband of Felicity Smoak, and the father of William Clayton and Mia Queen. Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen ( – DecemDecem– the dawn of time ) was a billionaire and former playboy, turned archer superhero of Star City, and the leader of Team Arrow, who later died as savior of the multiverse. That is why I sacrificed myself for you, so that in all of this darkness. That is why people sacrificed themselves. It is something that you have to learn to live with. If you cross one more name off The List, if you save your city one more time, then you'll absolve yourself of all of this guilt'. of pain and darkness and saying, 'Ollie, if you just. " When my father sacrificed himself, when he gave me my extra years, what was I doing with them? I was wasting them.

Maria and the wrongs of woman