
Brightly woven 2
Brightly woven 2

brightly woven 2

After a certain scene I just have to keep reading, homework or sleep be damned, until the end.

brightly woven 2

That is pretty much exactly what Brightly Woven is like for me- has been twice now. Realization hits, followed shortly by contentment, followed even more closely by a wish that there was more and a knowledge that there is not and so you must enjoy what you had. And finally, when it's all gone, you sit and blink a bit and try to figure out where it all went. Even when you realize you're almost out, that the bag is almost empty or the bar mostly devoured, you can only slow down a little bit. You eat more, more, more and you eat it faster, faster, faster- tea forgotten, savoring forgotten, seeking only to consume as much of it as possible as fast as possible because somehow you got the idea while you were eating it that the chocolate will go away if you don't eat it now and so it is absolutely imperative that you do so. But eventually the lure of the sugar and cocoa is too strong. If you're weird like me you drink tea with your chocolate so that your mouth is always warm enough to soften it before you chew and it spreads over your tongue and makes a layer of deliciousness that you wash down with yet more tea. You try to eat the rest of it- the bar, the bag of chocolate chips, those little Dove eggs- slowly, and for a while it works. You know that first piece of chocolate, the small piece you take because it's a treat and maybe you haven't had it in a while and you want to savor it? And you roll it around in your mouth a little, let it get all melty, experience the taste as fully as possible. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This book is like chocolate.

Brightly woven 2